Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix in non dairy milk, apple cider vinegar, honey and organic coconut oil (warmed) into bowl until smooth. Then add flour, oats, shakeology, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Scoop into muffin pans and cook for 12 - 17 minutes.
Mix all ingredients in small bowl, blender, or food processor until smooth. Frost cooled cupcakes and devour!
This made about 16 cupcakes (12 large and 16 mini) and I had about 1/2 cup of frosting left over. My favorite thing about these cupcakes (besides the healthy part) is the frosting! The zing of the orange zest just did it for me!
Nutritional Info:
192.6 Calories
9g Fat 5g S Fat 86mg Sodium 18g Carb 2g Fiber 9g Sugar 10g Protein
On June 16, 2014 I decided there were going to be no more excuses. No more crying. No more pain. No more believing lies. No more putting up with bullshit of liars. I couldn't live like I was and prosper. I was on the path to death. The death of the Kate Chute, I knew myself desperately yearned to be.
On June 16, 2014 I started P90X3. I knew it would push my mind, body, and soul. I woke up at 5AM and started my workout. It felt amazing. I could physically work out again! I could physically push myself, tell myself I could do it. And no one was going to stop me. No one. Not even myself.
On June 16, 2014 I knew I was ready. Ready to be who I was meant to be. The person who had turned into someone completely different than I was three years ago. I was hurting. I was numb. I was angry. I was full of pain. No compassion. No love. No sympathy. White hot, fiery, rage. And pain. And nothingness. I had become a shell of myself, who I used to be. I ran so far from God and who he had made me, I didn't even recognize who I was in the mirror anymore.
In January I left an abusive relationship. Abusive on both ends. I yearned so deeply for the love of my partner; he couldn't give me what I needed. He withdrew, would refuse to communicate, and would leave when things got tough. I kept clawing, thinking one day, a lightbulb would go off in his head. Throughout the process, I began to break down. The me I knew, was no longer me. I did everything he wanted, watched his shows, listened to his music, did what he liked. And was no longer the woman he fell in love with. I started drinking early on in our relationship and was a functioning alcoholic for the better part of two years. Because of pain. Because he could not fill the void, aching to be loved, in my heart. And I kept running. I kept telling myself that I was strong enough to fix it. Strong enough to carry everything on my back. Strong enough to pull through, for the both of us. And then I would drink some more. And he would pull away. And then he became jealous. Of everything and everyone. So I would drink. The pain and hate spewed from his mouth. So I would drink. He would walk away like it was all okay. So I would drink. He would come back and tell me he was over it, so I needed to stop brining up the past. So I would drink. More. And more. And more. Until I was numb. He never figured it out. I realize I was in control of my own actions. I'm not a fool. Okay maybe I am. But I wanted his love so much. I would have done anything for him. But I started to feel alone, even when he was there. So I would drink.
I left at the end of January. I wasn't strong enough to accept that I had failed at something. I kept gripping at the chance, that maybe, just maybe, he would understand my heart. My broken, hurting, bleeding heart. So I drank.
He never did. So I drank more. And pretended it was normal. That I was just partying. That I was the normal 20-ish something year old, that drank. Every day. A lot. I could out drink anyone I knew. And for awhile, I was proud of that. At least I was good at something.
On June 16, 2014 I knew I was tired of losing friends from my drunken actions, the masking of a pain, I wasn't ready to face. I wasn't ready to be strong before that. And I damn sure wasn't ready to confess my sin.
On June 16, 2014 working out saved my life.
I knew if I didn't turn around, I would die. "I now see that I spent most of my life in doing neither what I out nor what I liked." The Christians describe the Enemy as one 'without whom Nothing is strong.' CS Lewis Screwtape Letters Nothing was strong in me.
So I started P90X3. On a whim. In full knowledge it would hurt, and it would be hard, and I may fail. It has been the best beginning of a journey for my life. Working out and continuing a 5AM routine has shown me that I am capable. I am strong. I am dedicated. It has begun a road to self discovery. A self love. That had been lacking for so long. Too long. It allowed me to find God again, to give me the strength to walk into a Church and say, "I am fucked up. And I need help. I need God's grace, and I do not understand it. But I believe God loves me." It's the love I have been yearning for all along.
On June 16, 2014 I became the strongest Kate Chute I have ever known. I have worked out every day since. I know it is a long road ahead. Nothing like what I just came from. I am strong enough. I have beautiful friends. I am honoring my body with good, healthy choices. And, I can honestly say I love God.
I know at some point, God will use my whole story to help other women with their pain and numbness. Until then, I will be preparing. Growing into the beautiful, Christ centered woman, he has destined me to be. Get ready World, Kate Chute is back!